Introducing Verizon Small Business Digital Ready – a FREE customized learning program designed to give small businesses like yours more tools to succeed in today’s digital world.
Money Mindset: Removing Blockers


As a business owner, you think a lot about financial well-being. Your financial health can depend on many factors, and one of the most significant is your own personal relationship with money. The business decisions you make today can be deeply influenced by your money story–the set of beliefs you’ve developed from your earliest experiences…

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Selling with Storytelling: Unlock Your Business Superpower

Attract New Customers

Storytelling, if harnessed, can be your greatest financial resource and the blueprint for your business's success. In this course, you'll learn the power of telling your story and how it can be leveraged to activate investors, clients, and brand ambassadors. Use storytelling to unlock funding, scale your business, and build community. To review this course…

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Operating Efficiency Essentials: Smooth Operator

Manage Growth, Operations

Your small business is running smoothly enough, but you know things could be better. Or it can feel like the wheels are spinning in the mud, and it’s hard to get that traction back. If you’re looking for ways to improve efficiency, this beginner course will guide you through the basics for operating with efficiency…

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Inside Verizon Small Business Digital Ready, you’ll find digital tools including…


Short, information-packed lessons presented by small business owners like you to give you strategies you can use right away across digital marketing, operational efficiency, and accessing capital.



Hands on working sessions with experts to help you build financial projections, create social media templates, optimize your website, develop a competitive analysis and more.



Get guidance from business experts across legal, marketing, business planning and more. They will help you to apply what you know and what you’re learning to execute your plan of action.



Connect with other small businesses and build your network! Share advice, industry information or connect on future business opportunities—it’s up to you.